MobileDiffusion: Rapid text-to-image generation on-device

Advancements in machine learning for machine learning

2023: A year of groundbreaking advances in AI and computing

VideoPoet A large language model for zero-shot video generation

Unsupervised speech-to-speech translation from monolingual data

A new quantum algorithm for classical mechanics with an exponential speedup

MetNet-3: A state-of-the-art neural weather model

Google AI: "Introducing AltUp, a method that takes advantage of increasing scale in Transformer networks w/out increasing the computation cost — it’s easy to implement…

Show HN: Dlt – Python library to automate the creation of datasets

Outperforming larger language models with less training data and smaller models

Hand encode transformer weights to do long form addition

Show HN: ReliableGPT run 200 GPT-4 requests in parallel

CoLab Notebook for Reverse Image Search

The unreasonable effectiveness of character-level language models (2015)

Universal Speech Model

ChatGPT-J: The Privacy-First, Self-Hosted Chatbot Built on GPT-J's Powerful AI

Imagen Video

Imagen: An AI system that creates photorealistic images from input text

Show HN: Search PDFs with Transformers and Python Notebook

Show HN: Generate webpage summary images with DALL-E mini

Pathways Autoregressive Text-to-Image Model (Parti)

Imagen: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Picasso: Lightweight Device Class Fingerprinting Web Clients – Google Research

The fastest tool for querying large JSON files is written in Python (benchmark)

Cross-Component Garbage Collection

Snap: A microkernel approach to host networking

Show HN: Free, Accessible AI Art Generator

Run Transformers models directly in JavaScript with ONNX

Slicer: Auto-Sharding for Datacenter Applications

Z3 Tutorial

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