Anthropocene traps that challenge global sustainability

Leonardo’s construction design takes shape centuries later

Trust climate predictions from climate models that cannot reproduce the past?

Scientists have sequenced the mitochondrial DNA of 14,000-year-old fossilized feces of cave hyenas reveals secrets of extinct European wooly rhinos.

A new species of proterosuchid named Samsarasuchus pamelae has been identified following the re-study of fossils found in the Induan Panchet Formation of India.

A massive solar storm, the biggest ever identified, was discovered via a large spike in radiocarbon levels of 14,300 years old tree-rings.

female frogs fake their own deaths to avoid unwanted attention from males. Small females are better at this, using tactics, e.g,cturning, calling

Just kidding: the evolutionary roots of playful teasing

No evidence for angiosperm mass extinction at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary

The DNA in a sea sponge’s pores shows what lives nearby. Sea sponges naturally collect DNA from the waters around them

Scientists uncover hidden math that governs genetic mutations

Estimating association between Facebook adoption and well-being in 72 countries

Artificial Reefs Improve Productivity of Seagrass Meadows and Could Help Protect Against Climate Change, Study Finds

Researchers has found that wild fruits in Costa Rica with higher alcohol content tend to be spread more widely by mammals than fruits with less alcohol.

The impact of the ‘open’ workspace on human collaboration

Evidence of artefacts made of giant sloth bones in central Brazil around the last glacial maximum

A History of Neural Networks

Researchers suggest that local ecosystem affects local culture. Ecology can explain up to 20%of variations in cultural practices across the world

Convergent molecular evolution of thermogenesis and circadian rhythm in Arctic ruminants (2023)

The Current Mass Extinction is already far more dire than we realized

Individuals more easily disgusted by body odours are also more prone to having negative attitudes towards refugees — a finding observed in a diverse sample (n = 6836) from nine countries across five continents

Velociraptor specimen, compared with present-day descendants, suggests that birds’ noses evolved to cool their brain

A brief history of liquid computers

Study found evidence of cheesemaking, using milk from multiple animals, in Late Neolithic Poland

Climate change multiplies wider malaria risk as mosquitoes spread south and to higher elevations in Africa

How much a person laughs in conversation appears to be a stable trait associated with being relatable, and is not necessarily reflective of enjoyment.

Diving birds are more prone to extinction: Research suggests diving birds may have evolved into an evolutionary dead-end

Severe inbreeding, increased mutation load and gene loss-of-function in the critically endangered Devils Hole pupfish

Genomic evidence for ancient human migration routes along South America's Atlantic coast

'Asymptotic burnout' of planet-scale civilizations may explain Fermi Paradox

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