Return type notation MVP: Call for testing!

Renderling Devlog, Implementing Frustum Culling using Rust-GPU

iocraft: A Rust crate for beautiful, artisanally crafted CLIs and text-based IO.

Show HN: Chili. Rust port of Spice, a low-overhead parallelization library

ScreenPipe - An app that records your screen and lets you ask questions!

Porting C to Rust for a Fast and Safe AV1 Media Decoder

submap: Rust B-Tree map for pub/sub services

Was I the only one who saw this? (closing keynote at cppcon 24)

Blindsided by Rust's Subtyping and Variance

Rust-inspired Language, Written in Rust

Firefox will consider a Rust implementation of JPEG-XL

Actix (Rust) vs Zap (Zig) vs Stdlib (Zig): Performance Benchmark in Kubernetes #208 - Updated

The empire of C++ strikes back with Safe C++ proposal

SEGGER’s Ozone debugger now supports Rust

Random access string compression with FSST and Rust

I love rust

Oku: A Web browser I've been developing. Would appreciate thoughts

Oh god, the horror that is switching from Rust back to another language...

Writing an OS in Rust

rust-analyzer changelog #252

Binsider – A TUI for analyzing Linux binaries

Redox OS 0.9.0 – new release of a Rust based OS

The Register: Rust for Linux maintainer steps down

An Optimization That's Impossible in Rust

Keynote: Linus Torvalds in Conversation with Dirk Hohndel (Rust related part starts at 08:30)

Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy

Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source

Announcing Rust 1.81.0

Community Reflection on Bevy's Fourth Year

macro-forth: Forth implemented in compile-time rust macros

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