OMG OMSCS: Is an Online Masters right for You?

How to write a lock free Queue

Meditations on Writing a Queue

A Tale of Slow Pagination

Writers Write

Stopping the Death Spiral of Indecision

Coders Code

Ruby Backend Performance Getting Started Guide

The Fastest Way to Generate a Heap Dump on Heroku

The Four Year Typo

Jumping Off The Ruby Memory Cliff

A Variable By any Other Name

Double Ruby Rainbow Bug

Puma, Ports, and Polish

Config: Behavior versus Credentials

The Oldest Bug In Ruby - Why Rack::Timeout Might Hose your Server

Ruby debugging magic cheat sheet

How the F does Sprockets Load an Asset?

Who Called Git? An Unusual Debugging Story

Writing a Rails Feature - Blow by Blow

Statistical Literacy and You: An Intro for Programmers · Schneems

Statistical Literacy and You: An Intro for Programmers · Schneems

Sharp Tools

SemVer for Library Maintainers

Recruiter Sniping