
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Docker without Dockerfile: Build a Ruby on Rails application image in 5 minutes with Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB)

It's dangerous to go alone, `pub` `mod` `use` this.rs

Pairing on Open Source

The room where it happens: How Rails gets made

Migrating a Ruby Library from TravisCI to CircleCI

Squash Unexpected-End errors with syntax_search

Triage with Me - 11 issues & 2 PRs in 1.5 hours

Lies, Damned Lies, and Averages: Perc50, Perc95 Explained for Programmers

How Ruby REALLY uses Memory: On the Web and Beyond

Puma 4: New I/O 4 Your Server

Sharp Tools

Pair With Me: Rubocop Cop that Detects Duplicate Array Allocations

Get Your Conference Proposal Accepted

How to Implement a Ruby Hash like Grammar in Parslet

Get your SVGs out of your HTML

WTF is a Source Map

Say No to Randos (in Your Database)

80% Smaller Rails Page Size With Rack Deflate

WTF is a Thread

I know how to code, I can code in anything

How I Reduced My DB Server Load by 80%

Rubyist makes some Python code 5x Faster

Gaijin Guide to RubyKaigi

How August 2017 RubyGems Vulnerabilities were patched on Heroku

Adding a Blog feature: 'Say my Name'

Sending Massive Emails Considered Harmful

Is WEBrick Webscale?

Coder Frozen in 2009 Awakens to Find Frontend Development not Awful

How I lost 17,000 GitHub Auth Tokens in One Night

How I Reduced my DB Server Load by 80%

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