As Russia Stalks US Satellites, a Space Arms Race May Be Heating Up

Neurotechnology overview: Why we need a treaty to regulate weapons controlled by … thinking

How To Get To Net Zero Carbon Emissions: Cut Short-Lived Superpollutants

It is now 100 seconds to midnight

Doomsday Clock Now at 100 Seconds to Midnight

Killer Robots Reconsidered: Could AI Weapons Actually Save Lives?

Fact-check: Five claims about thorium made by Andrew Yang

Good News For Climate Change: India Gets Out of Coal and Into Renewable Energy

What Happened After The Explosion at a Virology Campus in Siberia?

Lessons From the Cyberattack On India's Largest Nuclear Power Plant

Undermining strategic stability: The burst-height compensating super-fuze (2017)

A new abnormal: It is still 2 minutes to midnight

US experts propose having AI control nuclear weapons

Is cyberwarfare war? Insurers balk at paying for some cyberattacks

2018's Doomsday Clock Statement from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: 2 Minutes to midnight

California fire near nuclear accident site

Thorium Power Has a Proactinium Problem

Crispr goes global: A snapshot of rules, policies, and attitudes

The stability implications of the US nukes' burst-height compensating super-fuze

ITER is a showcase for the drawbacks of fusion energy

How to limit presidential authority to order the use of nuclear weapons

Fusion reactors: Not what they’re cracked up to be

Use failing power plants to improve the safety and efficiency of clean energy

The Okinawa missiles of October 1962

The evidence that shows Iron Dome is not working