Did austerity cause Brexit? (2018)

New technique developed that makes transparent polythene films as strong as aluminium

There may be no such thing as a ‘sugar rush’ - Sugar does not improve any aspect of mood and can even worsen it, according to new research using data from 31 studies, which found sugar increases tiredness and lowers alertness within an hour after its consumption.

Iridium, a rare metal on earth from the meteorite that may have wiped out dinosaurs, attached to albumin, a protein in our blood, can penetrate into the nucleus of cancer cells and destroy them when blasted with light…

You can train your brain to form good habits – like going to the gym and eating healthily – simply by repeating actions until they stick, regardless of how much satisfaction you get from it, according to new research using computer simulations of digital rodents.

Mass proliferation of information evolving beyond our control, says new psychology research

Politics in the Facebook Era: Evidence from the 2016 US Presidential Elections

Brain Link Identified Between Depression and Poor Sleep

HAVING a Blunderful Time (or Wish You Were WHERE) (2007)

News stories about terrorism, outbreaks, natural disasters, and other potential threats become increasingly negative, inaccurate and hysterical when passed from person to person…

Memory, learning and cognitive flexibility depend on a protein ‘off-switch’ in the brain

Nearly 47.5 million people have dementia and the view that exercise might slow cognitive decline has widespread popularity

Insufficient sleep in children associated with 58% higher risk of obesity

New sensor tech for commercial Lithium-ion batteries finds they can be charged 5 times faster

Sibling bullying makes psychotic disorders three times more likely

The iDEA Architecture-Focused FPGA Soft Processor (2016)

Ancient people began domesticating crops 10,000 years earlier than experts thought

Cells programmed like computers to fight disease

Study suggests you can ‘pick up’ a good or bad mood from your friends

New method makes high-strength, lightweight steel on industrial scale, potentially making way for its use in vehicles

Clean energy stored in electric vehicles to power buildings - University of Warwick researchers discover that by intelligently managing vehicle-to-grid technology, energy from idle vehicle batteries can be pumped back into the grid – and this would improve vehicle battery life by around 10%.

What Is It Like to Be a Bat? (1974)

Why a drop of liquid makes a splash - When a drop of liquid falls, a microscopically thin layer of air prevents it from spreading smoothly across a surface

Improving your sleep makes you feel as good as a lottery winner – leading to high levels of health and wellbeing over time - say University of Warwick psychologists

The discovery of a vital molecule that regulates breathing could lead to better targeting and treatment of respiratory conditions ranging from congenital deafness, to respiratory conditions…

A Child Thinking About Infinity (2001)

Quality time rather than study time improves teens’ educational aspirations

Kinect breathes new life into respiratory assessment

Northern Light secrets uncovered thanks to social networking tools: Researchers find that magnetometers have a social network where they talk about the weather

Software packages of interest to number theory

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