YouTubePluginReplacement.cpp: YouTube-specific code in WebKit

WebKit Features in Safari 16.0

Apple's WebKit comes to GitHub

WebKit Migrates from Subversion to GitHub

Orion – New WebKit Browser

What's new in Safari and WebKit (WWDC 2022)

News from WWDC22: WebKit Features in Safari 16 Beta

WebKit: Meet Web Push

New WebKit Features in Safari 15.5

A Big Performance Fix Is Pending For WebKit / WPE On Wayland

New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4

'Open Web Advocacy' Group Battles Apple's WebKit-Based Walled Garden

Playwright: Automate Chromium, WebKit and Firefox

Web Push Notifications in WebKit

WebKit: Introducing the layer based SVG engine

Orion is the new WebKit-based browser for Mac

New WebKit Features in Safari 15

Safari (Webkit) just released support for JS modules inside the worker scope

Why WebKit supports AVIF but Safari does not

Things I Learned Reading Webkit’s UA Stylesheet

New WebKit Features in Safari 14.1

Safari (Webkit) about to release support for JS modules inside the worker scope

WebKit Quirks

:focus-visible in WebKit

Using const/let instead of var can make JavaScript code run 10× slower in Webkit

WebKit Shutting Down (April Fools 2007)

Playwright for Go: a browser automation library to control Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.

Why All Browsers Should Move to WebKit (2013)

Emacs xwidget-webkit enhancement suite

Playwright a Python library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.

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