Programming with Algebra

Bitbucket secrets

Cool technique to store dotfiles: A bare Git repository

6 Bitbucket secrets

Building command line tools with Node.js

Git hooks for continuous integration

Bitbucket's new npm integration: a tale of three XHRs

Neat new features in Git 2.7

What the web platform can learn from Node.js: The Darwinism of small modules

14 tips and tools to resolve conflicts with Git

Seven tips to write documentation more fluently.

Building command line tools with Node.js

A better pull request

Monorepos in Git - Atlassian Developers

Six cool features of the Git 2.x series

The Bitbucket Docker Hub add-on now supports private Bitbucket repositories (x-post from /r/docker)

Why java.util.Optional is broken

Easy HipChat Addons In Go

Comparing Git Work Flows

Smaller Java images with Alpine Linux

Let's build a Bitbucket add-on!

Learning Go with flashcards and spaced repetition [x-post from r/programming]

Java 8 improves JIRA performance dramatically

Open letter from an @ignored test

The power of Git subtree

Garbage Collection Tuning Guide

A git horror story: faking provenance with a loose nonce

--force considered harmful; understanding git's --force-with-lease

Ten tips for wonderful bash productivity

Git workflows: a better pull request

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