AWS S3 beginning to apply 2 security best practices all new buckets by default

Amazon's AWS Releases Fedora-Based, Cloud-Optimized 'Amazon Linux 2023'

Amazon Corretto 20 is now generally available

Create an IAM group and ass a user

Amazon Linux 2023 a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with LTS Support Released

Server-Side Rendering Micro-Frontends on AWS - part 2

AWS Tape Gateway

Kubernetes as a platform vs. Kubernetes as an API

AWS announces Credential Guard support for Windows instances on Amazon EC2

S3 will automatically block public access and disable ACL for new buckets

Amazon S3 now automatically encrypts all new objects

Reliability, constant work, and a good cup of coffee

Finch: An open-source client for container development

Amazon Time Sync is now available over the internet as a public NTP service

Best Practices for Migrating and Optimizing Amazon EMR Workloads

A serverless architecture for high performance financial modelling

AWS Just Walk Out Technology

EC2 Mac M1 instances are now generally available.

Broadcast to AWS' IVS (Twitch) from the Browser written in Go!

Amazon CodeWhisperer - ML-Powered Coding Companion

AWS announces Amazon CodeWhisperer (Preview)

us-east-1 is down (again)

Minimizing correlated failures in distributed systems

Exponential Backoff And Jitter

AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-In HTTPS Endpoints for Lambda

AWS lowers data transfer prices for PrivateLink, Transit Gateway, Client VPN

How to protect HMACs inside AWS KMS

Running Cross-Account Workflows with AWS Step Functions and Amazon API Gateway

Amazon Corretto 18 is now generally available

AWS's us-east-1 region is experiencing issues

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