Highlighting Ada with Libadalang

Ada on the First, RISC-V Microcontroller

A Usable Copy-Paste Detector in A Few Lines of Python

GPS (IDE for Ada) for bare-metal developers

An inside look at AdaCore's extended strings package for Ada

Writing on Air [with Ada]

Make with Ada: DIY instant camera

Driving a 3D Lunar Lander Model with ARM and Ada

How to avoid runtime errors on drones using Spark (2015)

GNAT Programming Studio (GPS) on GitHub

Unity meets Ada and SPARK

Make with Ada: ARM Cortex-M CNC controller and e-waste 3-axes machine

Formal Verification of Legacy Code

Make with Ada: Candy dispenser, with a twist...

Porting the Ada Runtime to a new ARM board

Formal proof on a Pebble smartwatch in Ada

Make with Ada: "The Eagle has landed"

Make with Ada : From bits to music - Low level sound synthesis toolkit