Manuscript fragments of the famous Merlin legend among the oldest of their kind

Teenagers who use cannabis frequently may be more likely to have children born preterm, when they become parents up to twenty years later

Bioengineering discovery paves way for improved production of bio-based goods using Baker’s yeast

Dinosaurs were generally huge, but a new study of the unusual alvarezsaurs show that they reduced in size about 100 million years ago when they became specialised ant-eaters.

Foraging humans, mammals and birds who live in the same place behave similarly

Tropical Paper Wasps provide crucial support to their extended families by babysitting at neighbouring nests.

Two studies show neonicotinoid insecticides, the most commonly used worldwide, affect the amount of sleep taken by both bumblebees and fruit flies, which may help us understand why insect pollinators are vanishing from the wild.

Research creates hydrogen-producing living droplets, paving way for alternative future energy source - Normally, algal cells fix carbon dioxide and produce oxygen by photosynthesis

Ground-breaking discovery finally proves rain really can move mountains: A pioneering technique which captures precisely how mountains bend to the will of raindrops has helped to solve a long-standing scientific enigma

Discovery of a druggable pocket in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein could stop virus in its tracks

In a new paper, an international team has identified a major extinction of life 233 million years ago that triggered the dinosaur takeover of the world

New research reveals how water in the deep Earth triggers earthquakes and tsunamis

Social media can accurately forecast economic impact of natural disasters including COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study published in Nature Communications.

Despite reports that global emissions of the very potent greenhouse gas HFC-23 were almost eliminated in 2017, an international team of scientists has found atmospheric levels growing at record values

First chip-to-chip quantum teleportation harnessing silicon photonic chip fabrication

Young fish can be drawn to degraded coral reefs by loudspeakers playing the sounds of healthy reefs

Artificial neurons on silicon chips that behave just like the real thing have been invented by scientists – a first-of-its-kind achievement with enormous scope for medical devices to help chronic diseases…

Children of women who reported domestic violence in pregnancy or during the first six years of the child's life are almost 50 per cent more likely to have a low IQ at age eight.

Breakthrough in Synthetic Vaccine Technology Requires No Refrigeration

Some children are more likely to suffer depression long after being bullied, suggests a new study (n=3,525), which found young adults bullied as a child may have greater risk of depression due to genetic and environmental factors, such as mother with postnatal depression or family violence.

Study finds, that when it comes to making friends, it appears dolphins are just like us and form close friendships with other dolphins that have a common interest.

Feathers came first, then birds: New research led by the University of Bristol suggests that feathers arose 100 million years before birds, changing how we look at dinosaurs, birds, and pterosaurs…

Researchers measure UK farmland nectar supplies for a year, find hunger gaps when food supply is not meeting pollinator demand

Satellite images reveal interconnected plumbing system that caused Bali volcano to erupt

Scientists have identified an enzyme that is a “master regulator” of kidney function that if excessively suppressed, can trigger renal failure

The Greenland Ice Sheet emits tons of methane according to a new study, showing that subglacial biological activity impacts the atmosphere far more than previously thought.

New discovery pushes origin of feathers back by 70 million years

There is no statistically significant difference between intubation and the i-gel supraglottic airway device (SGA) in functional outcome at hospital discharge or 30 days after an out of hospital cardiac arrest in adults.

Hundreds of small robots can work in a team to create biology-inspired shapes – without an underlying master plan, purely based on local communication and movement

Despite the commuter cold being a widely accepted concept, it’s never been proven that public transport contributes to the spread of airborne infections

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