Accurate mental model for Rust's reference types

My First Real Crate: creature_feature (for fast n-gram featurization)

scapegoat v2.0 release - Safe, fallible, stack-only alternative to BTreeSet/BTreeMap

Freqfs: In-memory filesystem cache for Rust

My first crate: simple-undo - an easy to use undo-redo library

[ANN] cfg-rs 0.2.0 release

Evaluate a polynomial using Horner’s method

New crate announcement: brownstone! Fallible & infallible utilities for creating fixed-size [T; N] arrays

winarg - Windows argument parsing, now with 100% less allocations.

debug2 v0.1: Space Efficient Pretty Printer

totally-speedy-transmute: A blazing-fast spiritual successor to totally-safe-transmute

Announcing embed-doc-image: embed local images in Rust documentation and have them work across both local installations and

Typed-sql version 0.2.0: Prevent SQL injections with type checking

Announcing typed-sql beta! Zero-cost ORM with fast compile times

New crate announcement: standard-dist! Convenient derivable random distributions for your types

New crate: aliri_braid; Making String new types better

Elain: Set a type's minimum alignment with const generics.

any-range: AnyRange enum to hold any Range* type

porco: Library for composing probability distributions

temp-dir: Simple temporary directory with cleanup

Announcement: xflags, fast-to-compile proc macro for cli args

assoc: Treat vectors like associative arrays

Yet Another Rust Parsing Library

paranoia - See if some code was optimized away

async_reply - 0.1.0

emoji - a categorized library of all unicode emoji

ranged_num::Ranged: typing numbers in a compile-time known range

Proof of Concept: Physical units through const generics

Announcing once_cell 1.5.0: no_std non-blocking initialization

akkorokamui is a new HTTP client for the Kraken REST APIs

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