
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Show HN: Cronexpr, a Rust library to parse and iter crontab expression

serdebug - a drop-in replacement for #[derive(Debug)] powered by Serde

struct-metadata: Macros for attaching metadata to structs.

Perspective 3.0, an interactive data visualization component, adds Rust support

tokio-wireguard — In-process WireGuard for Tokio

Rust Smartpointer library for unifying owned and referenced values as arguments!

bitcode: smallest and fastest binary serializer

borrow-or-share 0.1.0 - Traits for either borrowing data or sharing references

arbtest --- powerfully tiny property-based testing

packbytes - convert structures to and from packed byte arrays of fixed size that live on stack

hypertext: a blazing fast type-checked html macro

Cast integer to timestamp with precision guessing options for Arrow

Tired of not being able to map a specific element of an arbitrary tuple? Introducing map_tuple!

allocation-counter: Count and test the number of allocations, now with more utility methods

I created a new derive macro for a type stated builder pattern

How do the pros learn new tools and languages?

Write Elixir NIFs in Rust

Iterate over all strings that match a regex - using regex-automata

Announcing regex-lite (similar to the regex crate, but more lightweight)

🦎 gecs v0.1: A compile-time generated entity component system

MiniJinja: a powerful template engine for Rust with minimal dependencies

Introducing taskio: async tasks from generators without context to replace nb

Did you know the CSV crate comes with a fantastic serde tutorial?

Show /r/rust: self-replace, a create to self-delete and self-replace binaries on Mac, Linux and Windows

Introducing async-hal! A hardware abstraction layer for embedded devices with futures

borrowme 0.0.10 - the missing compound borrowing for Rust

I made a crate: eyeball – Add observability to your Rust types!

Announcing nondestructive. Whitespace preserving parsing and editing for yaml.

arducam_mega: `embedded-hal` SPI driver for the Arducam Mega

Yrs: High-performance CRDT implementation based on the idea of shared types

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