Superpack: Pushing the limits of compression in Facebook’s mobile apps

How WhatsApp is enabling end-to-end encrypted backups

CacheLib, Facebook’s open source caching engine for web-scale services

Facebook open-sourcing a more precise time server

How we built a general purpose key value store for Facebook with ZippyDB

Open sourcing Winterfell: A STARK prover and verifier

Ribbon filter: Practically smaller than Bloom and Xor

Migrating Facebook to MySQL 8.0

Running BGP in large-scale data centers

Facebook deals with PCIe faults to keep our data centers running reliably

Reverse Debugging at Scale

How Facebook encodes videos

hsthrift: Open-sourcing Thrift for Haskell

A brief history of Rust at Facebook

Fix Fast for finding and fixing regressions

Facebook Enginering: Automatic root cause analysis

Probabilistic Flakiness: How do you test your tests?

Facebook reveals 'SuperCell' tower to increase connectivity in rural areas

Tech stack rebuild for a new

Scaling Live streaming for millions of viewers

Open-sourcing FioSynth, an I/O benchmark tool for data center workloads

Introducing resctl-demo: Better resource control with simulation

The majority of Facebook's traffic now uses QUIC and HTTP/3

Nemo: Data Discovery at Facebook

CG/SQL: Easy, accurate SQLite code generation, aka stored procedures for SQLite

Scaling Mercurial at Facebook

Fault tolerance through optimal workload placement | Facebook

Scaling Services with Shard Manager

Pysa: An open source tool to detect and prevent security issues in Python code


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