Singapore racing to make self-driving cars and advanced road safety a reality

In the largest MRI study on patients with bipolar disorder to date, a global consortium published new research showing that people with the condition have differences in the brain regions that control inhibition and emotion.

Uber allegedly used secret software called Hell to track drivers of rival Lyft

Japan environment ministry drafts emergency declaration over rising deaths of coral – Tokyo is concerned corals in Japanese waters could be extinct by 2070 given current rate of bleaching

A graphene sieve has been used to turn seawater into clean drinking water

A study has found a temperature rise of 2˚C above pre-industrial levels would thaw about 40% of permafrost which covers almost a quarter of the land of the Northern Hemisphere, releasing billions of tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere.

'Millions' of Microsoft Word users hit with banking virus exploiting unpatched vulnerability

Treating a woman with progesterone during pregnancy appears to be linked to the child's sexuality in later life

Russian-built malware can give hackers 'full remote access' to your Android smartphone

Maersk and IBM aim to get 10M shipping containers onto blockchain

People who eat types of fish that are typically high in mercury are twice as likely to be diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a fatal progressive neurodegenerative condition affecting nerves in the brain and spinal cord.

India's proposed mass surveillance programme seen as a blow to internet freedom

Continental flood basalts in India known as the Deccan Traps formed from a massive outpouring of lava around the time that dinosaurs went extinct

'Upskirt' porn website hit with massive data leak exposing nearly 180,000 voyeurs

GCHQ spied on CEO of Europe's biggest internet hosting company OVH, reveal Snowden files

Snoopers' Charter protest urges websites to 'block or restrict' access in UK

Oops! CNN's Boston TV channel accidentally broadcasts 30 minutes of hardcore porn

Donald Trump's smartphone is a risk to US national security, warn experts

EmDrive: Nasa Eagleworks peer-reviewed paper finally published by AIAA saying it works

Indiegogo users cry foul on 'scam' campaign that disappeared with $250,000

Most people would rather have Wi-Fi than sex, chocolate or alcohol, study finds

Transplanted neurons act like the normal cells lost to brain damage

Julian Assange 'deeply shocked' and 'heartbroken' over Sweden's denial of funeral pass request

Samsung may trim its executive force by 20% after Galaxy Note 7 failure

Surge of volcanic eruptions between 320k and 170k years ago changed the course of human evolution

Lonely men are increasingly 'talking dirty' to virtual assistants like Siri and Cortana

Over 50 British MPs write to President Obama to drop extradition charges against alleged hacker Lauri Love

Wikipedia editors have received rape and death threats while editing controversial pages

EmDrive inventor confirms UK and US military are interested in controversial space propulsion tech

Conversation between two bottlenose dolphins recorded for first time

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