I wrote a piece about (lightweight) design patterns in Go, hope anyone finds it useful

Building a game engine with golang!

How to combat effects of an obsessive mind when software developing

"Serverless allows an infinite number of environments". I'm interested to know if anyone else uses a more than just prod/stag and why?

How Microsoft Is Adopting Rust

I’ve successfully converted 10 lines Bash script into a 100 lines of code 😄

Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases

JDBC drivers for all major Oracle versions (19, 18, 12, 11) are now available on Maven Central

CheerpJ 2.0: Run any Java application or library in the browser

How RSA public keys are stored in PKCS8

How Arc works in Rust

How to save Christmas with the Travelling Salesman Problem (Algorithm, Python code and Visualization)

Tic Tac Toe with Rust (2nd Rust project)

I wrote my first article about data scraping and apis reversing in python. Is there anything I can improve?

What Is Secure Remote Password (SRP) Protocol and How to Use It?

Interview with Noria’s creator: a promising dataflow database implemented in Rust

REST API with Rust, Rocket and Mongodb

The Programmer’s Guide to the Stylesheet

“AES Java Encryption Performance Benchmarks”

Rust’s slice::windows is really cool

Algebraic Data Types in four languages

Consulting or con-$ulting: A theory on how Hertz’s inexperience in buying software — combined with Accenture’s incompetence to deliver it — flushed $32M+ down the drain

Python at Netflix

Programming in Rust: the good, the bad, the ugly

AWS Lambda Functions written in Rust

The Julia programming language: a high-level perspective

Taking the complex and making it simple: what is DSL, and why you need a new programming language

“Learning RUST in 2019”

A powerful combination: How to build a non-blocking API with Vert.x, Kotlin/Coroutines and Keycloak

Because I’m dumb, I write better code

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