DREAMers at greater risk for mental health distress. Study presents a clinical perspective that emphasizes how living in the U.S

Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen to produce clean energy can be simplified with a single triple-layer catalyst developed by scientists at Rice University and the University of Houston reported in Nano Energy.

Fluorine turns white graphene into a wide-bandgap semiconductor with magnetic properties

Freshwater from salt water using only solar energy

Study identifies factors that lead to greater college success

Rise of Earth’s atmospheric oxygen controlled by efficient subduction of organic carbon

To stand up to the heat and pressure of next-generation rocket engines, the composite fibers used to make them should be fuzzy, say researchers

New path suggested for nuclear fusion - Rice, Illinois, Chilean scientists report quantum control of atoms may make fusion energy production more efficient

Treated carbon pulls radioactive elements from water

New research debunks a long-held belief by companies that they could charge more for locally produced goods and services because of consumers’ sense of attachment to their community

Chemists describe a new process for making extremely pure levoglucosan (LGA), a naturally occurring organic compound that has been so rare and expensive that drugmakers and chemical engineers typically haven’t considered using it.

Patients’ self-rated health is a better long-term predictor of illness and death than standard blood tests, blood pressure measurements or other symptomatic evidence a doctor might gather…

Patients’ self-rated health is a better long-term predictor of illness and death than standard blood tests, blood pressure measurements, or other symptomatic evidence a doctor might gather…

Reconfigured Tesla coil aligns, electrifies materials from a distance

Big Data Drills Down into Metabolic Details

Modified laser cutter prints 3-D objects from powder

Graphene composite may keep wings ice-free

Self-adaptive material heals itself, stays tough: When cracked, the matrix quickly heals, over and over

Chemist builds single-molecule, 244-atom submersible, which has a motor powered by ultraviolet light

Using sugar, silicone and a 3-D printer, a team of bioengineers and surgeons have created an implant with an intricate network of blood vessels that points toward a future of growing replacement tissues and organs for transplantation.

A nanofiber hydrogel infused with snake venom may be the best material to stop bleeding quickly

Researchers have detected the presence of man-made carbon nanotubes in cells extracted from the airways of Parisian children under treatment for asthma

The ultra-stable properties of the proteins that allow deep-diving whales to remain active while holding their breath for up to two hours could help biochemists finish a 20-year quest to create lifesaving synthetic blood for human trauma patients.

Scientists turn oily soil into fertile ground: Rice University discovery uses less energy while reclaiming soil at oil spills

Laser-burned graphene gains metallic powers

Scientists have made a living circuit from multiple types of bacteria that prompts the bacteria to cooperate to change protein expression

Scientists have created a solid-state memory technology based on tantalum oxide, a common insulator in electronics, that allows for high-density storage(up to 162 gigabits) with a minimum incidence of computer errors.

Scientists have achieved the total synthesis of a scarce natural marine product that may become a powerful cancer-fighting agent – the molecule shishijimicin A

Study of first-time smartphone users reveals devices may be detrimental to learning process

Graphene oxide soaks up radioactive waste

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