New data from Antarctic detector firms up cosmic neutrino sighting

Apes may be closer to speaking than many scientists think

Ebola whole virus vaccine shown effective, safe in primates

New analysis links tree height to climate: What limits the height of trees? Is it the fraction of their photosynthetic energy they devote to productive new leaves? Or is it their ability to hoist water hundreds of feet into the air…

Water’s reaction with metal oxides opens doors for researchers: A multi-institutional team has resolved a long-unanswered question about how two of the world’s most common substances interact

Tricking plants to see the light may control the most important twitch on Earth: For the first time, scientist have revealed the structure of the plant phytochrome, a critical molecule that detects the light that tells plants when to germinate…

Fundamental plant chemicals trace back to bacteria: A fundamental chemical pathway that all plants use to create an essential amino acid needed by all animals to make proteins has now been traced to two groups of ancient bacteria

Early life stress can leave lasting impacts on the brain