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Scientists have developed the first 3D-printed brain tissue that can grow and function like typical brain tissue

Newly developed material gulps down hydrogen, spits it out, protects fusion reactor walls

By using advanced epigenetic aging techniques and new data from 842 adults between 55 and 94, a team of researchers found being deprived of a nurturing childhood environment is associated with accelerated biological aging at older ages

Zapping manure with special electrode to produce fertilizers, other chemicals

Kids who feel their parents are less reliable take fewer risks vital to learning and growth

Mice eating less isoleucine live longer, healthier

COVID-19 caused an alarming surge in premature births, but vaccines halted this trend and were key to returning the early birth rate to pre-pandemic levels, according to a new study

Researchers made an unexpected discovery while studying a strain of yeast closely related to the kind used to ferment beer: they observed the yeast left half its genetic material behind while evolving

The world needs greener ways to make chemicals. Hydrogen can be combined with electricity to make pharmaceutical drugs

Wisconsin cave holds tantalizing clues to ancient climate changes, future shifts - New research shows rapid warmings of >10 °C in <10 years occurred repeatedly during the last glacial period in central North America, likely coinciding with Dansgaard-Oeschger warming events

Lab-grown retinal eye cells make successful connections, open door for clinical trials to treat blindness

First-in-kind psychedelic trials treat opioid and methamphetamine use disorders

X(ray) marks the spot in elemental analysis of 15th century printing press

The higher percentage of enslaved people that a U.S

New research shows no evidence of structural brain change with short-term mindfulness training

Eliminating air pollution emissions from energy-related activities in the United States would prevent more than 50,000 premature deaths each year and provide more than $600 billion in benefits each year from avoided illness and death

You’re muted – or are you? Videoconferencing apps listen even when mic is off

Shark antibody-like proteins neutralize COVID-19 virus, help prepare for future coronaviruses

First we tamed turnips. Then we turned them into bok choy and other veggies.

Researchers find a better way to measure consciousness

IceCube detection of high-energy particle proves 60-year-old physics theory

Population density and virus strains will affect how regions can resume normal life

New solvent-based multi-layer plastic recycling process could cut down on millions of tons of plastic waste

Deforestation dropped by 18 percent in two years in African countries where organizations subscribed to receive warnings from a new service using satellites to detect decreases in forest cover in the tropics

Undocumented immigrants far less likely to commit crimes in U.S. than citizens

Stem cells can repair Parkinson’s-damaged circuits in mouse brains

Long-term data show hurricanes are getting stronger

Human-controlled robots shown to make manufacturing safer, more efficient

Most approaches to increase a metal's strength do so at the expense of flexibility – and as metals become more resistant to bending, they're more likely to crack under pressure

Irrigated farming in Wisconsin's central sands cools the region's climate

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