Fortnite’s battle with Apple and Google could have an impact on news publishers

Hundreds of hyperpartisan sites are masquerading as local news

CityLab has been relaunched under the Bloomberg umbrella

FB News is filled with stories that are too mainstream for the rest of FB

Police have been spying on black reporters and activists for years

Police attacks against journalists across the U.S. since May 28

The coronavirus crisis will end, but the distributed newsroom is here to stay

Reporter bios don’t improve readers’ trust in news outlet

Humans are hardwired to dismiss facts that don’t fit their worldview

YouTube's Algorithm is Pushing Climate Misinformation Videos, and Their Creators Are Profiting From It

Report for America funded a community Wikipedia editor at a library

Unlocking the commons

The IRS has granted nonprofit status to a daily newspaper

Facebook News Is Off to a Rough Start

College students who go off Facebook for a week consume less news and report being less depressed

The New York Times shutters NYT en Español after three years

The L.A. Times’ disappointing digital numbers

Junky TV is actually making people dumber — and more likely to support populist politicians

The “backfire effect” is mostly a myth, a broad look at the research suggests

Populists prefer TV to online news, but are sticking to Facebook as others leave

That “$4.7B” number for how much money Google makes off news industry? Imaginary

The New York Times course to teach its reporters data skills is now open-source

A new report surveys the paywall landscape

Two-thirds of consumers don’t expect Google to track them the way Google does

The Guardian’s nifty old-article trick is a reminder of how news organizations can use metadata to limit misinformation

Facebook’s algorithm change has spurred an angry, Fox News-dominated News Feed

The long, complicated, and extremely frustrating history of Medium

The subscription-pocalypse

Few people are actually trapped in filter bubbles. Why do they say they are?

So some people will pay for a subscription to a news site. How about two? Three?

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