Extreme weather and extreme politics (2018)

The time I accidentally transported a brick of heroin from LA to Seattle

Hertz sued Accenture for failing a $32M “digital transformation” project

NLP on Mueller Report

Jumia Is Not an African Startup.( A Digital Colonization Thread)

Ansible's creator on the state of contemporary devops and open source

Tesla laid off my disabled veteran husband then cancelled his sign on bonus

Talent Is Everywhere. Opportunity Is Not

I am calling from Microsoft and we detected an issue with your win installation

“This is it.” Alien contact – a Twitter thread

For those who aren’t quite sure why these media layoffs keep happening

7-zip broken password random number generator

Why I’m so “against” Ethereum

Nassim Taleb on IQ

One day I'll give all the project managers a GCSE maths paper to complete

An error message in Windows 10 is a mistake from 1974

Google+ has been shuttered, I should air how awful the project and exec team was

"10 years ago today, I had the idea for an app I thought was interesting"

Why isn’t someone using my software product or open source tool?

Ten Commandments of Liberal Inquiry by Bertrand Russel

Have you ever needed to generate a random number in code?

Ross Cox mea culpa thread re Go dependency management

How to Get Rich (without Getting Lucky) – Naval Ravikant

How Microsoft stole my code and then spit on it

VitalikButerin live tweet comments on the “Bitcoin, Controversy over Principle”

You probably don't need AI/ML. You can make do with well written SQL scripts

A blockchain is a specific set of choices suitable for a narrow set of use-cases

I almost lost my hearing from the lid on the tank of a toilet

Surprising Things About School

Anil Dash's analysis of Sam Altman's free speach essay

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