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Google Strategy Doc from Antitrust Proceedings

We created a new account in Telegram and started looking for a job in Estonia

"Does astrology work? We tested the ability of 152 astrologers"

CrowdStrike Bug likely caused by unsafe NULL Pointer

Software MVPs can no longer be low quality

Walls are starting to close in for Tesla, let's have a closer look

Best of Google AI search results

Snowden warns about RISAA – section 702 reauthorization act

Why is the LinkedIn app almost half a gig?

Google and Meta Function as Extensions of the US Intelligence Community

CTF Writeup: Abusing select() to factor RSA

Chrome was delivered without any sprints at all (2021)

GPT-4 details leaked?

BlueSky ToS gives Jack a 'perpetual' & 'irrevocable' license to all your content

Riot: Source code for League of Legends and TFT were exfiltrated by attackers

The FBI was the primary link between the intelligence community and Twitter

Trucker explains why Tesla Semi is “a completely stupid vehicle”

China state CCTV avoids crowd close ups at the World Cup

Asahi Lina on her experience writing the M1 GPU driver for Linux in Rust

Europe is in danger of rolling electricity shortages

Nomad drained of $150m due to a coding mistake

War of memes: Why Z-war won't end with peace

World War III has already started – Gary Kasparov

Starlink transmissions become beacons for airstrikes

“The president of MIT told me that tenure was not about research or merit.”

JustForFans forced to stop using JWPlayer coz adult content

That time I deleted a production database, or how everyone makes mistakes

A long rant about Ruby, its value, its innovations, and its (sad) fate

What happens when your domain registrar closes down business and goes bankrupt

Former Uber engineer shares “biggest engineering disaster” story

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