Researchers develop nanoparticles that help convert CO2 into methane using only UV light as an energy source

Results of a mathematical modeling study suggest that romantic attention in the animal world, by itself, is not enough to give attractive females an evolutionary edge over their plainer counterparts -- even when their good looks help them snag superior mates.

Nanowire “Inks” Enable Paper-Based Printable Electronics

Study of social rank in wild chimps shows striking differences between the sexes

Pot-Smokers Harm Gums; Other Physical Effects Slight

Why Bearcats Smell Like Buttered Popcorn: Researchers pinpoint chemical compound that gives rare animal its popcorn-like scent

Black Widows' color scheme deters their predators (birds) without alarming their prey (insects)

Self-Control Saps Memory, Study Says

Denying Problems When We Don’t Like the Solutions

Centuries-Old Shipwreck Discovered Off the North Carolina Coast

The human version of a DNA sequence called HARE5 turns on a gene important for brain development, and causes a mouse embryo to grow a 12 percent larger brain by the end of pregnancy than an embryo injected with the chimpanzee version of HARE5

Distant Species Produce Love Child After 60-Millon-Year Breakup

Study finds that when people don't like the political implications of the solution to a problem, they are more likely to deny the problem exists at all.

Scientists Uncover Navigation System Used by Cancer, Nerve Cells

Fungus deadly to AIDS patients found to grow on trees: Researchers have pinpointed the environmental source of fungal infections that have been sickening HIV/AIDS patients in Southern California for decades

Editing HPV's Genes To Kill Cervical Cancer Cells: Researchers have hijacked a defense system normally used by bacteria to fend off viral infections and redirected it against the human papillomavirus (HPV)…

Small Mutation Changes Brain Freeze to Hot Foot