Pharmaceuticals Commonly Detected in Small Southeastern Streams: At least one pharmaceutical chemical was detected in all 59 streams sampled

Views of the Sea Floor Near the Entrance to San Francisco Bay

Induced Earthquakes

Hot Days Can Trigger Yosemite Rockfalls

What a Drag: The Global Impact of Bottom Trawling

Scientists have developed a new earthquake forecast model for California (UCERF3) and find that while the likelihood of moderate-sized earthquakes (magnitude 6.5 to 7.5) is lower…

How much water is there on the Earth?

"Mutant" Fossils Reveal Toxic Metals May Have Contributed to World’s Largest Extinctions

Researchers Test Smartphones for Earthquake Warning

4.2 Magnitude earthquake ENE of Springfield, Oregon

6.8 Earthquake off the coast of Japan..more followed

Dam removal study reveals river resiliency

M7.9 Earthquake in Nepal

New Insight on Ground Shaking from Man-Made Earthquakes

California drought, visualized with open data

6.0 Earthquake felt all over the Silicon Valley

The most detailed geological map of Mars ever made

Ultra-violet Light Works as Screening Tool for Bats with White-nose Syndrome