Compuserve forums set to close after two decades of service

Charge your USB devices with Water and Wind

I was on the self-driving bus that crashed in Vegas. Here’s what really happened

Birds eating your crops? $10k laser turrets will solve that problem

Driverless cars are now tootling around their own ‘city’ in South Korea - ‘“K-City” covers 80 acres (3.45 million sq ft) of land and this week the first section opened for companies that are keen on using the facility to test their technology in conditions that mimic real-life road conditions.’

Google will give you a $1,000 to hack Android’s most popular apps

Scientists just encoded ‘Smoke on the Water’ onto a strand of DNA

If data is the new oil, are tech companies robbing us blind? - “Lanier suggests that users should receive a micropayment every time their data is used to earn a company money.”

Lasers can forge wonder material graphene into three-dimensional shapes - Researchers from Finland and Taiwan 'forged' graphene into three-dimensional objects by using a focused laser on a point on a 2D graphene lattice, which irradiated that part of the structure and caused it to bulge.

New, more durable solar cells inspired by honeycomb design of insect eyes