Six States Have Proposed Net Neutrality Laws With More Coming - “As of last Friday, California, Washington, New York, Rhode Island, Nebraska and Massachusetts have all introduced some form of net neutrality legislation

Comcast Fired 500 Employees Right Before Christmas

Average Wireless User Now Consumes 31.4 GB

Harvard Study: Community-Owned ISPs Offer Lower, Clearer Prices

House Votes to Expand NSA Surveillance Powers Another 6 Years - “The House vote to reauthorize Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act 256 to 164”

Comcast Under Fire For Using Sneaky Fees to Jack up Rates: 'Industry analyst Phillip Swann notes that these fees have jumped 241% in just three years as Comcast takes full advantage of lazy regulators and inattentive consumers.'

FCC Under Fire For Plan to Weaken the Definition of 'Broadband': ' FCC proposal, lobbied for by large ISPs, would redefine broadband to include any wireless connection capable of speeds of 10 Mbps down…

The FCC is preparing to weaken the definition of broadband - "Under this new proposal, any area able to obtain wireless speeds of at least 10 Mbps down, 1 Mbps would be deemed good enough for American consumers."

Comcast Jacks up Price of Standalone Broadband to $75

Comcast Hikes Prices, Increases Sneaky Fees for 2018