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Comcast Sued For Failure To Address Cell Phone Fraud

CA Lawmaker Shamed For Net Neutrality Sellout Via Billboard

AT&T, Comcast Try to Weaken California Net Neutrality Law

Senators Press Ajit Pai on DDOS Attack His Agency Made Up

Ajit Pai Rushes to Aid Sinclair Before Court Can Kill Merger

Lawmaker 'Disturbed' That FCC Made up DDOS, Lied to Press

California's Net Neutrality Law Not Quite Dead Yet

Charter Claims Killing Net Neutrality Means Better Broadband

“The Supreme Court today issued a 5-4 ruling stating that law enforcement must first seek a warrant before obtaining historical cell phone location data from cellular carriers, reversing a decade-long practice by law enforcement.”

Frustration at Google Fiber Delays Grow in Numerous Cities

Senators Say FCC Boss Ajit Pai Being 'Evasive' on Net Neutrality

Senators Urge Inquiry Into Cell Carrier Location Data Practices

ESPN Analysts Thought Cord Cutting Was Just a Fad

FCC Boss Ajit Pai Annoyed As Neutrality Fight Heads to the House

Senators Say FCC Broadband Availability Maps Are a Joke

AT&T Met With Ajit Pai in Barcelona Shortly After Cohen Payment

Tough California Net Neutrality Law Moves Forward

Oregon City Plans to Offer Gigabit Broadband for $50

Cable Has Lost 3.4 Million TV Customers Since 2012

Study: All Major ISPs Have Declined in Customer Satisfaction

Two Senators Say Their Names Stolen During Net Neutrality Repeal

Verizon Flirts With DSL Usage Caps in Virginia

Large ISPs Urge FCC To Kill Remaining Line Sharing Rules

AT&T AIO gateway BGW210 forced firmware update 1.5.11 blocks access to (Cloudflare public DNS)

Schumer: Broadband is a Utility That May Require Price Caps

Verizon quietly drops opposition to California privacy rules.

ISPs Claim Poverty in Bid to Kill State Net Neutrality Rules

AT&T; stealing/misrouting for some of their residential customers

Cord Cutting Losses Heavier Than Expected in First Quarter

The Sprint, T-Mobile Merger Will be a Job & Competition Killer

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