New research suggests that a new mechanism plays a large part in the strength of stellar magnetism, calling into question previous theories about how stars evolve.

Study shows why larger and heavier people were the ones who first colonized New Zealand -- the cold 25-day, open-ocean trip favored those who had more weight to burn to maintain their body temperature.

A new study measures the effectiveness of continuous learning, an AI learning method that could teach future algorithms to think like humans.

Screen time not harmful for academic skills of preschoolers, time diary study of 179 preschoolers finds

A new study reveals that one species of endangered coral can thrive in locations where certain parameters are met, offering a possible guideline for future coral conservation efforts.

A new study uses cameras on transit buses and AI to track heavy traffic, noting that if implemented, such a system could help future urban planners monitor traffic demands in their city.

New software allows testing of real driverless cars in a virtual environment

Half of consumers may decide to pour perfectly good milk down the drain based solely on a glance at the date label on the carton, a new study suggests

Scientists have found the secret to felines’ finesse at sniffing out food, friends and foes

Researchers have developed a method to create 3D digital models of historic neighborhoods using machine learning and historic Sanborn Fire Insurance maps