Excessive news consumption predicts increased political hostility

The first ever longitudinal study of the effects of parental narcissism on child development and mental illness finds that parental narcissism is associated with childhood insecure attachment and depression a year later.

Suicide risk is higher on Mondays and New Year's Day, according to an analysis of data from 26 countries

The way mothers and toddlers interacted during play predicted how the children later interacted with other kids

People with dyslexia and dyscalculia may have previously unheralded strengths, namely reduced bias against others based on characteristics such as their disability, race or gender

Autism does not appear to be a risk factor for conspiracy thinking

Study finds that men concerned about masculinity are more likely to seek revenge in the workplace

A recent study found that anti-democratic tendencies in the US are not evenly distributed across the political spectrum

Personality influences physical activity: individuals with higher conscientiousness and extraversion are more likely to engage in extended periods of physical activity and sedentary behavior, while those with higher neuroticism tend to interrupt their sedentary behavior more frequently

Superhero films can encourage prosocial behavior, new study finds