Handwashing: Cool Water as Effective as Hot for Removing Germs - New study indicates that washing for 10 seconds eliminates harmful bacteria

Graphene-Based Sensor Could Improve Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma by detecting inflammation in lungs

Wastewater from oil and gas operations—including fracking for shale gas—at a West Virginia site altered microbes downstream

Scientists say neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s may be linked to defective brain cells disposing toxic proteins that make neighboring cells sick

Sea level in the Northeast and in some other US regions will rise significantly faster than the global average, according to a new report

Rutgers neuroscientists have established that problems controlling bodily movements are at the core of autism spectrum disorders and that the use of psychotropic medications to treat autism in children often makes such neuromotor problems worse…

Roughly 100 million years ago, an amoeba robbed a bacterium of its genes. Now, researchers finally know how the amoeboid pulled off the heist

"Security and Privacy Vulnerabilities of In-Car Wireless Networks: A Tire Pressure Monitoring System Case Study" by Ishtiaq Rouf, Rob Miller, Hossen Mustafa, Travis Taylor, Sangho Oh, Wenyuan Xu…

Softbound + CETS: Complete and Compatible Full Memory Safety for C

Scientists have measured a black hole that is about 660 million times as massive as our sun, and is encircled by a cloud of gas moving at about 1.1 million miles per hour