Astrophysicists Identify Major Challenges for Development of Life on TRAPPIST-1 Planets

Scientists at Harvard have successfully encoded into and re-played a movie from bacterial DNA

Night Shift Work May Hinder Human Body’s Ability to Repair Oxidative DNA Damage

Cocoa, Chocolate Consumption Enhances Cognitive Abilities and Memory, New Review Finds

Daily Consumption of Fruits, Vegetables May Reduce Risk of Blockages in Leg Arteries

Physicists directly observe Hydrogen bonds in single molecule...

Researchers have found that an Earth-like circumbinary planet (planets that orbit two stars) could be habitable if it were located within a certain range from its host stars.

Study: Concentrated Blueberry Juice Improves Brain Function in Older Adults

Parenthood is associated with a longer life than childlessness, particularly in older age, according to a new study

Exceptionally well-preserved specimens unearthed in Early Cretaceous sediments of Mongolia belong to an ancient, dinosaur-era relative of the living plant Ginkgo biloba (today is native only to China).