EU moves to slap retroactive tariffs on electric vehicles from China

Chinese-made phones are calling the shots in Africa as they beat global giants Samsung and Apple

Skynet 2.0: China plans to bring largest surveillance camera network on Earth to the moon to protect lunar assets

US trade sanctions, software gap taking toll on China’s cybersecurity ambitions

China surpasses South Korea in tech and science gains, Seoul says as ‘unacceptable and upsetting’ loss to rival spurs introspection

China has 12½ times more robots in its workforce than industry experts predicted

Ex-Googler Linwei Ding charged with stealing AI secrets to aid Chinese companies

India has become a major source of cybersecurity threats in China: security expert

Multinational firm’s Hong Kong office loses HK$200 million after scammers stage deepfake video meeting

Researchers created a device with capacity of up to 1.6 petabits with a DVD area