AI may be searching you for guns the next time you go out in public

China, U.S. are racing to make billions from mining the moon’s minerals

Shareholder: Amazon’s ‘astronomical’ misuse of customer data could ruin company

Tech giants duped into giving up data used to sexually extort minors

Unionization Wave 'Swelling' in Seattle, with Votes at Local Verizon, Amazon Fresh, and Starbucks Stores

Scientists can reliably predict marine heatwaves up to a year out using forecasting ocean models

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Could Also Cause New Epidemics, Health Experts Worry

‘They think they can do anything’: Amazon psychologist describes on-the-job bullying, discrimination

Washington State Shuts Down 'Sold By Amazon' Program Nationwide

Seattle police faked radio chatter about Proud Boys during 2020 protests