Oldest Known Parasites Found in Ancient Puma Feces

A 30-year study suggests that pollution may pose a more imminent threat to struggling coral reefs than waters warmed by climate change

Building a Silicon Brain

A study of people’s brainwaves hints at their unconscious ability to perceive the Earth’s magnetic field

Lifespan Less Heritable than Previously Thought

Blood platelets activated during exercise increase neurogensis: mouse study

New Species of Ancient Human, Homo luzonensis, Identified in the Philippines

Financial records indicate Chinese CRISPR babies were likely government funded, despite official claims otherwise.

An injection of nanoparticles, which convert longer wavelengths of light to shorter ones, gives mice the ability to see in the infrared.

A new study offers evidence for the “grandma hypothesis” - why women live long past reproductive age and menopause, rare among animals, evolved