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Nanoplastic Ingestion Causes Neurological Deficits

A bacterial culprit for rheumatoid arthritis?

Paul Berg has died

Universe 25, 1968–1973 (2022)

"Origami" DNA Traps Could Keep Large Viruses From Infecting Cells: by engineering structures out of DNA, scientists could potentially prevent larger viruses…

A Controversial Study Stirs Up A Longstanding Argument Over Whether Plants Can See

Climate Change May Favor Nitrogen-Fixing Plants

How a Specific Gut Bacterium May Cause Type 1 Diabetes

Artificial Sweeteners Alter Gut Bacteria in Humans: When consumed for as little as two weeks, common alternatives to sugar affect intestinal bacterial communities, with some reducing the body’s ability to regulate blood glucose levels…

Which Neurons Go to Sleep First in Humans: fMRI Can Tell

The genetic diversity underlying the mating system of shelf fungi

Air France Announces End to Research Monkey Transport

“Feel-Good” Neurons Steer Mice Toward Hydration-Boosting Liquids

Grape-Doling Tourists Gave Endangered Iguanas High Blood Sugar

Study: People “Click” Better When Their Body Odor Matches

Climate Change Likely to Slow Plant Growth in Northern Hemisphere

Specific Brain Cells Linked to Parkinson's Disease

Brain Fluid from Youngsters Gives Old Mice a Memory Boost: A growth factor found in the cerebrospinal fluid of young mice triggered the proliferation of myelin-making cells when injected into the brains of older mice.

Researchers have long suspected that an ingredient in sunscreen called oxybenzone was harming corals, but no one knew how

Another Species of Hominin May Still Be Alive

Gut Molecule Linked to Decreased Myelination in Mouse Brains

Six-Letter DNA Alphabet Produces Proteins in Cells

Magpies have outwitted scientists by helping each other remove tracking devices.

A pair of new studies finds that analyzing material from a Pap smear can reveal tumor risk in distant parts of the body, potentially allowing early interventions.

Strange DNA Structures Linked to Cancer

How the Gut Differentiates Artificial Sweeteners from Sugars

A new chemical treatment allowed African clawed frogs, which normally don’t regenerate limbs, to regrow functional hind legs following amputation.

Scientists find human DNA preserved in lice cement from the heads of South American mummies.

A new analysis of fossil footprints suggests that the 2-meter-tall, 4- to 5-meter-long carnivores that left them could run nearly 45 kilometers per hour, bolstering the evidence that at least some dinosaurs were speedy…

A large, long-term study across the US and Sweden finds potential correlations between specific pollutants and the proportions of male and female babies born.

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