Honeybee brains seem to use alpha waves similarly to primate brains

World’s first genetically-engineered moths released in the wild

Oldest tree in eastern North America found in a swamp: it’s 2,624 years old

There is enough DNA in a human body to stretch from Pluto to the sun 17 times

Breast milk given intranasally could benefit preemies with severe brain injuries

A Japanese plant used in traditional Asian medicine has a compound which could slow aging

Scientists have been able to image brain activity when people change their short-term beliefs, and to relate this brain activity to dopamine function in humans

Vaccinating against foot-and-mouth disease in livestock could reduce poverty in eastern Africa, study finds

California is generating so much renewable energy, it’s about to take a break - Currently, California is regularly shunting electricity to Arizona and other states (sometimes paying them to do so) just to avoid overloading its own current lines.

Where North America crows go in the winter — Study finds 86% of eastern crows and 73% of western crows migrated an average of 310 miles to breed