
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Verify the Safety of the Rust Standard Library

Amazon S3 now supports up to 1 million buckets per AWS account

AWS BuilderCards

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database is now generally available

An unexpected discovery: Automated reasoning often makes systems more efficient and easier to maintain

Reliability, constant work, and a good cup of coffee

Electronic Arts streamlines game patching with AWS

Announcing General Availability of the AWS SDK for Swift

Anyone still using DynamoDB as primary DB in 2024?

AWS Support Official Channel on AWS Re:Post

Finally cracked Python after months of frustration—this book made all the difference

AWS Deprecates CodeCommit

Amazon's exabyte-scale migration from Apache Spark to Ray on EC2

AWS App Studio

AWS CodeArtifact now supports Cargo, the Rust package manager - AWS

Ifit Vue Project

Overly Complex Architecture – QnABot on AWS

Designing Data Intensive Applications

Amazon S3 will no longer charge for several HTTP error codes

Amazon Pharmacy

Simplify Amazon EKS Deployments with GitHub Actions and AWS CodeBuild

ENIAC programmer Jean Bartik's Amazon book review

Amazon Titan Text Premier LLM with SOTA Common Sense Reasoning

Amazon Workdocs End of Life

Why AWS Supports Valkey

Why Fugaku, Japan's fastest supercomputer, went virtual on AWS

Using CRaC to reduce Java startup times on Amazon EKS

Free data transfer out to internet when moving out of AWS

AWS Lambda functions now scale 12 times faster when handling high-volume requests

Blue Screen, SciFi novel about a hacker recruited by AI to take over the world

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