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The Sundial Cannon of Åtvidaberg (2017)

Blackhouses of Scotland

Vladimir Lukyanov's Water Computer (2019)

Nedelin Catastrophe: The Worst Space-Related Disaster

Demon Core: How the Third Nuclear Bomb Killed American Scientists (2018)

Sao Paulo: A city with no outdoor advertisements (2013)

A 1967 experiment that proved anyone can design a nuclear weapon

The Art of Deliberate Imperfection (2017)

Clark Stanley: The First Snake Oil Salesman

The Pneumatic Clocks of Paris

Sway Tower, the Tallest Unreinforced Concrete Structure (2020)

Inuit Tactile Maps of Greenland (2017)

The Eternal Fire at Baba Gurgur (2013)

Vladimir Lukyanov’s Water Computer (2019)

Gibraltar, World’s Only Airport Runway Intersecting a Road – Amusing Planet

The Quarantine Quarters of Dubrovnik

Anatoli Bugorski: The Man Who Stuck His Head Inside a Particle Accelerator

The Camouflaged Military Bunkers of Switzerland (2015)

Circular Pedestrian Bridge in Lujiazui, China

Demon Core: How The Third Nuclear Bomb Destined For Japan Killed a Bunch of American Scientists

Stannard Rock Light: The Loneliest Place in the World

The Yellow Fleet (2018)

Rotary Jails

Crannogs: Neolithic-Era Artificial Islands

The Day Sweden Switched Traffic Sides

The First Cyber Attack Happened Nearly 200 Years Ago

Bookwheel, the 16th Century Forerunner to the EBook Reader

The scientists who starved to death surrounded by food

How Amsterdam’s Airport Is Fighting Noise Pollution with Land Art

The World’s Oldest Working Planetarium

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