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Scientists create hydrogen with no direct CO2 emissions at source

Studies on the remains of horses found at ancient burial sites in Russia and Lithuania show that they were brought overseas from Scandinavia utilising expansive trade networks connecting the Viking world with the Byzantine and Arab Empires.

Could Sea Explosions Finally Locate the 2014 Crash Site of Flight MH370?

Taking low-dose aspirin is associated with 20% reduction in cancer deaths

Doctoral student completes a PhD in Chemistry entirely in Welsh

Farmlands across Europe are potentially the biggest global reservoir of microplastics due to the high concentrations found in fertilisers derived from sewage sludge, new research has shown.

Urban greening is unlikely to provide a single fix for tackling extreme weather events brought on by climate change, scientists have suggested

Face masks ‘make wearers look more attractive’, study suggests: The researchers discovered the type of covering matters – blue medical masks were found to increase facial attractiveness more than other types of masks

Scientists solve an important part of the mystery of ultra-rare blood clots linked to adenovirus-based COVID-19 vaccines

Instant water cleaning method millions of times better than commercial approach

Triggering bad memories to reactivate in Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep – the period when people dream most vividly – reduces the emotion associated with these memories on waking…

Scientists claim to have found the ‘missing link’ in the process that leads to an ice age on Earth

Scientists have discovered remnants of the world’s oldest fossil forest in a sandstone quarry in Cairo, New York

Virus experts have uncovered, for the first time, how a virus known as Adenovirus type 26, which has been used effectively in a tamed form as a vaccine, can infect human cells.

‘Key player’ identified in genetic link to psychiatric conditions

Groundwater resources in Africa resilient to climate change, according to a study led by Cardiff University

Archaeologists have unearthed evidence of the earliest large-scale celebrations in Britain with people and animals travelling hundreds of miles for prehistoric gatherings near Stonehenge

Ancient fossils of the first ever organisms to exhibit movement have been discovered in rocks in Gabon, dating back approximately 2.1 billion years

Glass made from exploding stars: In a new study scientists discover for the first time that silica is made inside the heart of a supernova

A giant meteorite crater, bigger than the size of Paris, has been discovered deep below Greenland’s ice sheet

Conversations are more responsive in natural environments such as parks and gardens than indoors

Mathematicians have devised a way of calculating the size of a tsunami and its destructive force well in advance of it making landfall by measuring fast-moving underwater sound waves, opening up the possibility of a real-time early warning system.

Community-led regeneration in deprived neighbourhoods can improve the mental health of residents

Scientists theorize that the power of acoustic-gravity waves could be harnessed and directed at an oncoming tsunami wave, reducing its amplitude and thus diminishing the magnitude of the damage.

Taking a low-dose aspirin every day to reduce the risk of heart disease or cancer may be worth the increased risk of stomach bleeding, an analysis shows.

When drunk and surrounded by other drinkers, people’s judgements of their own levels of intoxication and the associated risks are related to the drunkenness of their peers, not on the objective amount of alcohol they have actually consumed…

Human brain evolved to be disproportionately large b/c of decisions to help someone or not

The likelihood of an area experiencing a potentially devastating landslide could be influenced by its previous exposure to earthquakes many decades earlier.

A direct and positive link between pupils’ breakfast quality and consumption, and their educational attainment, has for the first time been demonstrated in a new study carried out by public health experts at Cardiff University.

Dysentery remains a major worldwide public health burden that most frequently affects children in low-income countries

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