How the mother's mood influences her baby's ability to speak

Empathy and perspective taking: How social skills are built

A study of 9,000 people has found the less animal products someone consumes, the lower their body mass index on average and less extroverted

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) in Leipzig and Berlin School of Mind and Brain have now identified two mechanisms underpinning how the heart influences our perception, the brain, and how these mechanisms differ between individuals.

A study shows that our attitudes can be influenced not only by what we actually experience but also by what we imagine

At a mere five months of age, babies seemingly have the ability to recognize very complex grammatical structures

In depression the brain region for stress control is larger, finds a new study

Six-year-old children and Chimpanzees both feel the need to reprimand antisocial behavior

Snakes and spiders evoke fear and disgust in many people. There has been debate about whether this aversion is innate or learnt