Learning React: 5 Important Principles About Hooks You Have to Know

I thought I wasn’t the “programmer type”

How to Build a RESTful API with Node.js and Express

Master SQL in 30 Days!

Data Logging with AWS Firelens

Terraform-Open Source Infrastructure as Code

Authorization and Authentication-Restrict access to protected routes with Python, Flask and Flask…

Dependancy Injector Design Pattern — Python

Manage User Tokens with Django

Stopping EC2 Instances with Python

Swagger and Postman: Build a Swagger UI for your Python Flask Application

Guide to Sending Messages to an SQS Queue With Lambda.

When you use marketing buzzwords, you sound like a moron

How to Get Hired: From a Developer and Manager Point of View

Keep Your Codebase Neat and Tidy with prettier-standard, lint-staged, and husky

The Oversimplification of Results and Hard Work

STOP Pinkifying! Girls get interested in tech because it is INTERESTING

****** No Bootcamp Applicants ******

My favorite tech salary negotiation tip (that recruiters love, too)

This is Hackathon Harassment

There Are “Weinsteins” Lurking in Every Profession – Including Tech

Paul Graham blocked me on Twitter

What stopped me from working for 20+ startups

I Almost Left Tech Today, Here’s Why

Q&A;: Where do you get Gender Neutral STEM clothes for your Kids?

How Princess Leia Taught Me to Be a Woman in STEM

52% of All Computer Gamers Are Women

Sexism in Tech: Beyond the Outrage