
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Y Combinator and Power in Silicon Valley

Goodhart’s law isn’t as useful as you might think (2023)

Games People Play with Cash Flow (2020)

The First Hedge Fund

What the CEO wants you to know (2023)

Ability to see expertise is a milestone worth aiming for (2022)

When First Principles Thinking Fails (2020)

Deming Paradox: Operationally rigorous companies aren't nice places to work

Limitations of Goodhart's Law

An expertise acceleration experiment in Judo

The iPhone Keyboard – Make It or Break It (2022)

The Games People Play with Cash Flow

The PDSA loop – Plan-Do-Study-Act

Focus Is Saying No to Good Ideas

Pay Attention to Deviations from Mainstream Incentives

Believability in Practice


Don't Read History for Lessons

What Good, Cash-Strapped Hiring Looks Like

Ability to See Expertise Is a Milestone Worth Aiming For

Be Good to Your Mentors

Beware what sounds insightful

Why Tacit Knowledge Is More Important Than Deliberate Practice

Believability in Practice

The Skill of Org Design

Are You Playing to Play, or Playing to Win?

The Problems with Deliberate Practice

Product validation frameworks are mostly useless without taste

Prioritise the Highest Order Bit

The Chinese Businessman Paradox (2018)

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