Giant “Darth Vader” Sea Bug Discovered… In a Vietnamese Market: A New Species of Crustacean

Earth’s North Magnetic Pole Has Officially Been Repositioned—Here’s Why It Matters for Everyone

"Big Bang Vanishes" --Quantum Theory Describes an Eternal Universe | The Daily Galaxy

A Fourth Copernican Revolution: “Our Universe May be One Patch of Space and Time In a Infinite Archipelago”

Using a pioneering method, researchers have found a neutron star of about 2.3 Solar masses -- one of the most massive ever detected

"SMASH" --An Amazing New Theory of the History of the Universe (From Big Bang to the Present Day)

NASA confirms Star Trek's Em-Drive propulsion system appears to work:After months of heated debate and leaked documents, NASA's long-awaited EM Drive paper has finally been peer-reviewed and published

NASA/Kepler Mission Mystery --"We Have No Idea Why Our Solar System is So Unusual"

Enormous Volcanoes Detected on Pluto that Spew Ice, Not Lava --"Nothing Like This Has Been Seen in the Deep Outer Solar System”

NASA's Kepler Mission Reveals a Strange Giant Planet --"A Molten Landscape of a Lava World, an Alien Hell"

SETI – The Next Ten Years

Curious Cosmic Signal has No Conventional Explanation, "Offers Clues into Nature of Dark Matter"

Mystery Molecules of the Interstellar Medium --'Many of the Things Quite Abundant There are Unknown on Earth'