
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Gnome Files: A detailed UI examination

Cosy Computing

We don't trade with ants and why hypothetical AI:s won't, either (2023)

The effect of CRTs on pixel art

Stupid Slow: The Perceived Speed of Computers

An Ode to Deluxe Paint (2023)

How Doom didn't kill the Amiga

Well-Known Secrets of AmigaDOS

The Amiga as a computer built to last 50 years (2022)

An Ode to Deluxe Paint

The Decline of Usability: Revisited

The Wachowskis and the Hacker as a progressive archetype

The Decline of Usability (2020)

Scene Archetypes: The ones making Amiga 500 fun

We Don't Trade with Ants ...and why hypothetical AI:s won't, either.

The Colorful Charm of Amiga Utility Disks

Stranger Things and the Amiga 1000

Directory Opus – King of the Dual Panes

Computers Are for Girls

The Joy of Limitations: Writing an ARexx REPL in ARexx (2021)

Using an Amiga in 2021: Making an intro

Not as famous as they should be: Pioneers that shaped computing as I know it

Short Thoughts on Computers and Programming

The Home Computer Generation

Fleeting Memories of Youth and the Increasing Impermanence of Culture (2021)

The Future of Open Source: On Imperialism and Idealism

Computers Built to Last

Fleeting Memories of Youth and the Increasing Impermanence of Culture

Voynich, Hill, Crumb: A Hitherto Vexing Codex

Little Things That Made Amiga Great

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