Upscayl - Enhance your images, with AI, locally, no cloud

AI should replace clueless managers, not workers

Dedoimedo reviews Wayland in 2024 and comes to sad conclusions

Microsoft Edge is starting to annoy me big time

The Slimbook Executive is here, and it's majestic

The Slimbook is dead, long live the Slimbook

Slimbook Pro2, Kubuntu 18.04 to 22.04 upgrade, changes, fun

Modern cars, touch interfaces - Highway to Hell

Plasma 5.27 - Can't say there are many differences, but 'tis ok

Plasma 5.26 review - Pretty reasonable

The Unity desktop in 2022 - A trick of nostalgia or the real deal?

Docker Desktop - Friendly frontend for container management

Plasma 5.24 is fantastic

KDE Plasma makeover - Make it look like Gnome, whaaat

Modern software development is cancer

Let's talk about Wayland

Dedoimedo interviews: KDE's pointiest stick, Nate Graham

Gnome 40 - The anti-desktop desktop

Let's Talk about Wayland

An early look at VLC 4.0 – Hello darkness, my old friend

Winds of change? Winds of mediocrity

Modify new Gmail interface to be more like classic Gmail

Linux – The beginning of the end?

Dev nonsense: netstat and ifconfig