
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Building package-level, runtime configurable logging ala log4j in Go

The 4-chan Go programmer

Go range iterators demystified

Finding the best Static Analysis tool for Golang

Efficiently Version Controlling JSON Documents in a SQL Database

MySQL vs Postgres on a Standard Suite of Sysbench latency benchmarks

A state machine to convert SQL queries from MySQL quoting rules to Postgres quoting rules

Writing generic collection types in Go: the missing documentation

Three ways to think about Go channels

Deep Dive on MySQL's Replication Protocol

Choosing a Database Schema for Polymorphic Data

Go: Sentinel errors and errors.Is() slow your code down by 3000%

How Large is a 160 Bit Number?

Binary Search vs. Prolly Search

How to fix bugs in 24 hours or less

Tradeoffs in taking a CGO dependency for zstd compression

ok Considered Harmful

Golang PGO builds using GitHub Actions

Emulating Postgres Prepared Statements in Go

Study in Structural Sharing in a Dolt Prolly Tree

Building an interactive shell in Golang

Writing a Postgres logical replication system in Golang

Testing Golang Code with Toxiproxy

How to create dynamic Tailwind themes for a React library

Using GORM with Dolt

Adding Color to Terminal Output in Go

Prolly Trees

Using Go's Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) to reduce our database's read latency by 5%

Announcing Dolt PGO Builds

Coming Soon: Golang 1.22

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