
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

What performance should you get from different types of storage?

Gatekeeper and notarization in Sequoia

How long does Apple support Mac firmware?

Managing Classic Mac OS Resources in ResEdit

Swift 6 and deep concurrency

How file systems can change in Sequoia with FSKit

A brief history of Mac enclaves and exclaves

Multitasking, parallel processing, and concurrency in Swift

Was the Fusion Drive a good idea?

Why good external SSDs are faster with Apple Silicon

How macOS opens a file in the correct app

Apple Silicon: A little help from friends and co-processors

Sonoma's lost versions bug: what it is and how to safeguard versions

Ovid's myths of macOS: password entry dialogs and the death of Semele

Apple Silicon: Power and thermal glory

A layered approach to preserving documents

What changed CPU performance from the Macintosh 128K to the M3?

The revenge of Unicode

The M2 is more advanced that it seemed

How virtualisation came to Apple Silicon Macs

M3 CPU cores have become more versatile

M1 Macs may lag behind

What should we know about APFS special files?

Why are Apple Silicon VMs so different?

Where Are the Sanity Checks?

macOS Sonoma is setting records for update size

Evaluating M3 Pro CPU Cores: General Performance

What has changed in CPU cores in M3 chips?

Scary Hasty

M3 Macs: there's more to performance than counting cores

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