New research contradicts previous thinking about how opioid drugs lead to tolerance and respiratory depression, suggest new approaches to developing opioid analgesics.

Deep ocean fishes show more diversity of body shape than shallow water species. The deep ocean is an evolutionary hotspot for fish.

Oxytocin is known for its prosocial effects, but can also have negative effects promoting social anxiety when produced in certain parts of the brain

Heavier iron isotopes may be migrating from Earth's core into the mantle while light iron circulates back into the hotter core, a new study suggests

Geneticists have found a genetic element that adjusts intensity of coat color in dogs

Math Breakthrough Speeds Supercomputer Simulations

Commercial dyes are mostly made from petrochemicals and manufacture creates toxic wastes

Foamy spacetime at the Planck scale could solve cosmological constant's mismatch with dark energy

Our left and right wrists mirror each other, but there are differences between the wrists of men and women, a finding that that could help inform and guide future treatments.