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Retro No More: Interactive Fiction of the Early Comp Era

Grim Fandango

The Prophet of Cyberspace (2016)

The X-Files Game


Tex Murphy and the Coming of the DVD (A Shaggy-Dog Story)

The Later Years of Douglas Adams

Starcraft (A History in Two Acts)

Agrippa (A Book of the Dead)


Blade Runner

The Curse of Monkey Island

Jedi Knight (Plus, Notes on an Expanded Universe)

Ultima (2012)

Putting the "J" in the RPG, Part 3: Playing Final Fantasy VII

Putting the "J" in the RPG, Part 2: Playstation for the Win

A Busy 1979 (2011)

Putting the "J" in the RPG, Part 1: Dorakue

A Digital Pornutopia, Part 1: The Seedy-ROM Revolution

The Last Express

Magic and Loss, Part 2: Magic on the Screen

Magic and Loss, Part 1: Magic in the Cards

From Mechs to Mopar

Realms of the Haunting


Going Rogue

A Dialog in Real Time (Strategy)

Tomb Raider

The Next Generation in Graphics, Part 3: Software Meets Hardware

The Next Generation in Graphics, Part 1: Three Dimensions in Software

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